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Latest news from the DVSA
Now that the grandfather rights deadline has passed you may think the training issue will quietly go away. Don't be fooled.
We have already mounted crash courses for drivers who have somehow slipped through the net and found themselves without the necessary CPC ratification. In fairness this has sometimes happened where drivers have returned to the industry after a period of absence but it serves to show that with a national shortage of drivers there will continue to be a demand for training. So keep the corporate eyes on the ball and plan ahead.
It is very likely that the DVSA will target drivers who haven't got valid CPC authorisation. Remember the DVSA is reputed to be self funding. That means that any easy target will be lovingly embraced. Don't be one of the bulls eyes!!
Now is the time to make arrangements for a planned approach to sustaining the training and over time improving standards and as a result reducing your costs of downtime, repairs and insurance.
One thing that continued to come out of the sessions was how rarely anyone looked at the highway code. There are few industries with such a demanding environment that show such a flippant disregard for training.
There are new syllabuses available which we believe will improve the experience.
If you have any doubt about whether CPC applies to you then give us a call. We won't give you the hard sell.
Get clarification before you get stopped and don't assume you can plead ignorance. Ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law!!! However it is a defence if it is clear you have taken reasonable steps to ensure that you are compliant even if you have failed to comply fully with all aspects of the regulations.
One of the points consistently made throughout the CPC training is that 85% of issues found by the DVSA during roadside inspections concerned items that would have been detected by a proper walk round inspection, or by appreciating changes in vehicle behaviour whilst travelling. These common issues can result in on the spot fines and even prohibitions, causing unnecessary expense and possibly major disruption to your business. Its not worth it and its a message that our training courses repeatedly endeavour to get across. .
The CPC sessions may have represented an unwelcome cost, but better staff awareness of the sometimes complex issues that confront today's operators and drivers could save your business a lot of money in the long run. Reduced fuel consumption, lower repair bills, fewer fines and lower insurance costs could make a significant impact on your business' bottom line.
There are few industries operating in such a complex environment that demonstrate such poor regard for training. Ask your driving staff or fellow drivers when they last looked at the Highway Code or any professional guidelines about driving standards. We'll bet you'll be deafened by the silence.
We will continue to offer sessions in Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Derby, and where applicable and economic we will be happy to talk to you about a course on your premises or premises of your choice. Call us today to discuss the matter.
The government recently issued a new publication covering safe vehicle loading. It makes sense to look at it, as this is one area that the DVSA is taking an ever stronger line on, and penalties will be imposed where a load falls short of the required standard. It is clear that even the largest hauliers have taken these changes seriously, even to the point of ordering trailers that include new internal restraint systems that will make it easier for drivers to ensure their load is secure. By the same token it will be harder to plead any defence if the load shifts.

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